Hartford Recap


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  • Hartford Recap

    Even after more than 25 shows on this Mojo tour, it's rare that I hang around the artist dressing rooms before the show. The way I figure it, the minutes before an artist takes the stage should be left to them as they're about to share a whole lot of themselves with us.

    Tonight in Hartford, I happened to be walking by Crosby, Stills and Nash's dressing room a few minutes before they went on and was treated to an a cappella rendition of "Woodstock" as the legendary trio warmed up their voices. The doorway next to theirs opened and out walked Tom, Mike and Benmont, peaking their heads around the corner like little kids wanting to steal a glimpse before Tom nodded at their vocal practice session and said, "I think that's gonna work out just fine." Priceless.

    Boston is coming up! Come see us for two nights at the Comcast Center in Boston and keep checking back for more photos, videos and more!

    2010 Tour Reviews